Hi Reader,
That gut punch feeling that comes when you swipe your card at the checkout stand to buy groceries.
It’s a habit left over from when we were living on my single salary and had to decide which bills we were going to pay this month.
It wasn’t too long before we lost our only car and had to get an Uber to the grocery store once a week because it was too far to walk in the Florida summer heat with a one year old.
We promised ourselves that we would never let ourselves get into this position again. I felt like such a failure for myself and my family.
Eventually we broke our lease and moved back to Colorado to live with my mom while we got our feet back on solid ground.
My husband got a job right away and we slowly climbed out of the hole we’d fallen into.
We got an apartment and have kept that promise to ourselves ever since, but I’ll never forget that feeling of raw desperation. If it weren’t for family we would have been royally screwed.
I’m forever thankful for every dollar that I make. I never would have had that perspective if I hadn’t been through that awful time.
Now, I think more about what money means and the cycle it represents. The energy it creates.
The thing is, we’re always thinking about the money that we’re getting, but hardly ever think about where it goes when it leaves our hands.
That same swipe of the card at the grocery store pays for the lady who rings up my grocery and asks how my day is going.
When I buy gas, that money pays for the food that goes on the fuel delivery driver’s table.
Everything you choose to spend your money on goes somewhere. It’s not as readily apparent as it used to be when you bought goods and services from the people right in front of you, but it does still happen.
For this reason, I choose to buy food and other goods and services from the people right in my community whenever possible. It makes me feel good to know that I’m supporting people that live and work in my city.
Talk soon,
P.S. Come join us in Supermoms Connecting With Your Family Through Mealtime on Facebook for cooking demos, tips and tricks, and to share what you're making!
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