Hi Reader,
It’s crazy how something so simple as talking about something that inspires you can shift everything. ✨
From crying on a Zoom call with your coach telling you everything is going to be okay, to feeling like you actually see the sun today. Can feel the energy moving all around you.
From holding everything so closely because you’re afraid if you let go of the control you have everything will fall apart, to realizing you had no control of anything in the first place and it was all an illusion.
Switching from survival brain to creative brain is powerful as fuck, I could cry from the joy of it. 💛
This. This feeling right here. Shining brightly into the world around me and letting the world shine back.
And the truth is, this isn’t even for you. It’s for me. To remember this feeling.
Seeing the big picture and thinking of your work in terms of potential and limitless possibilities is intoxicating and suddenly crystal clear.
After talking with my financial advisor about playing with money and leveraging credit, the world feels open and alive again.
Because it’s not just about money, it’s about the impact you can make on the world. ⚡️
Hearing her ideas about creating a space where I can teach women in need of support how to cook with intentions and ways I can support my community with the money I make was like a bright star of light revealing itself to lead me out of the darkness.
Suddenly everything became as clear as a Canadian lake.
Aqua blue with cold clarity. Eyes wide underwater. No longer sinking, rocks in my pockets, but naked and free with only the sun to see and the moon to call me home.
Riding on the back of a great scaled beast, king of all the rivers and lakes in his domain. Masculine to my feminine. Fins to my wings.
Seeing my business play out in fast forward - no longer bogged down with the minutia of today.
Because the truth is, time isn’t real. It’s constantly flowing around us. Past, present, future are all the same, and once we can see that and bring our future to our present we become a different person. The person we choose to be.
So even though I’ve been holding Radiant so tightly, trying to control every small thing so it didn’t change what it meant about me - I suddenly realized that it’s not mine to hold.
Who am I to keep something for myself that could change so many women’s lives??
Radiant has real and tangible power. ✨
Infusing food with your intentions is truly magical.
This program is for women who want to feel radiantly healthy without sacrificing soul-good food by cooking from scratch using time-tested intuitive cooking and eating habits.
Book a call to infuse your life with radiance and see if Radiant is right for you! ✨💃🏻💛
Be The Lighthouse! |
Let's get messy!
Hi Reader, You know developing a food blog isn't all about the food right?? There's a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into creating an online business. There are so many moving pieces and although I know you're on this list for all the food, I also know many of you are also trying to start your own business. After creating websites, lead magnets, landing pages, sales pages, and a thriving social media presence, I know there is a LOT to learn and it's not always easily accessible....
Hi Reader, Choose the highest-quality ingredients to cook for your family and cut straight through all the fluff and nonsense with What’s the Difference Between High-Quality and Organic?? 👏👏👏 ✨The no-bullshit difference between organic and high-quality ingredients. ✨How to find and choose the best produce. ✨How to find less expensive high-quality ingredients (than Whole Foods). You and your family deserve to eat amazing AF food and that always starts with your ingredients!! 💛 Join the Group...
Hi Reader, That first bite of Panzanella salad filled with fresh tomatoes, ripe cucumbers, and spicy red onions combined with the crunch of homemade croutons is a burst of summer in my mouth! Walking through the blast of cold, ventilated air into a giant box of fluorescent lights my eyes immediately began to ache. Pulling my sweater over my shoulders is an odd sensation after walking over a cement parking lot on the verge of melting the soles of my sandals. Scanning the refrigerated shelves...