Radiantly Energized Without The Cravings Through Mindful Cooking✨💃🏻💛

Hi Reader,

Finally free from insatiable cravings for all junk food and candy!

Walking past the candy aisle at the grocery store, I stopped to just have a look.

Oooh 2 for $1?? Yes, please!

Could feel that rush of sugar course through my body and the smell of chocolate like sticking my head in a bucket of Halloween candy.

Reached out and grabbed a couple more… could have Skittles without Reeses to balance it out, right??

Kept walking in the store until I found the chip aisle. Need something salty and crunchy to balance out all that sweet candy, so I grab a bag of tortilla chips and potato chips… for balance of course.

On another completely unrelated note, I felt exhausted by 10 am with no energy to work my 9-5 and certainly none left over at the end of the day to play with my kids or cook dinner. Just the thought was draining.

All that chopping and reading recipes and then the clean up on the other end felt like it took half the night when I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch tv. It was so much easier to go pick up Chick-Fil-A or a pizza.

Barely tolerated giving the kids a bath, playing games, and brushing teeth before tossing them in bed.

Crawled into my own bed exhausted but unwilling to go to sleep right away. Hadn’t had enough time for myself at all! Two hours later, put down the iPad and finally go to sleep already thinking of doing the same thing all over again tomorrow.

Didn’t think there was anything wrong with this way of living. Overindulging and so out of balance.

Everyone felt this way right? It’s just the way life is these days.

Never imagined that it could just be easy. That I could feel excited to wake up and love my work. That I would look forward to playing with my kids or cooking dinner at night without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

This is how everyone feels, so it just makes sense that I feel the same. Why should it be any different for me??

Then I made one simple but profound shift.

Started cooking whole, unprocessed foods for myself and my family. But even more than that, allowed myself to fully accept the healthful benefits by being mindful and present in every moment.

Suddenly noticed I felt different. Had more energy to be present in other areas of life.

Realized that all the energy I was putting into feeling like I didn’t have time to make meals during the day was a lie. Once I prioritized my own health, it didn’t actually take much time at all!

Showed up with more ideas at work, had more fun with my kids, better sex with my husband, and deeper, more fitful sleep.

One day realized I no longer needed the antidepressants. They just weren’t necessary anymore.

All insatiable junk food cravings simply disappeared. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good pack of Skittles or chocolate bar every once in a while, but I no longer feel compelled to eat them.

Was more willing to go outside and do things I used to love doing. Hiking, swimming at the pool with the kids, camping, going to the drive-in, dancing… having adventures!

Now feel radiantly healthy without sacrificing soul-good food by using time-tested intuitive cooking and eating habits!!

Catch the replay of the training Radiantly Energized Without The Cravings Through Mindful Cooking✨💃🏻💛

Talk soon,


Lindsey Morales

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