Radiantly Elevated Meals Through Local and Seasonal Ingredients✨

Hi Reader,

That first bite of Panzanella salad filled with fresh tomatoes, ripe cucumbers, and spicy red onions combined with the crunch of homemade croutons is a burst of summer in my mouth!

Walking through the blast of cold, ventilated air into a giant box of fluorescent lights my eyes immediately began to ache.

Pulling my sweater over my shoulders is an odd sensation after walking over a cement parking lot on the verge of melting the soles of my sandals.

Scanning the refrigerated shelves of wilting cilantro, yellowish broccoli, and dry carrots, my shoulder is bumped by a woman reaching for a plastic bag, not even looking in my direction.

Half the things on my list are missing or not even sold here.

Why did I even come into this store? Turning around, walking right back out into the bright sunshine. There has to be a better way.

As I stand in front of the stall filled with just picked, pulled, and plucked apples, carrots, and lettuce the lady next to me smiles and makes a friendly gesture.

Picking up a rough cantaloupe and bringing it to my nose the ripe earthy scent fills me with summer love.

It didn’t take any extra time to shop for food for the week, just a slight change in my schedule

Knew exactly what I was going to make with these beautiful ingredients when I got home.

Maybe I pay a little more to support the people in my community who grow and tend the food that feeds my family. I’m okay with that.

As my kids pluck tomatoes from the bowl and suck the juice from their fingers, I smile as a warm burst of swirling gold energy flows through my chest and radiates through my fingers into the boldly fragrant basil in my hands.

Learn to cook with local and seasonal ingredients for elevated meals with better flavor and nutrition!! ✨

It all starts with the quality of your ingredients.

There are amazing benefits to eating local produce for yourself, the community, and the world!! 💃🏻

In this training, you'll learn:

✨ How to find the highest quality, local produce and meat near you.

✨ Why using local ingredients is so important.

✨ What to do with the ingredients once you get them home.

Watch 👉👉👉 Radiantly Elevated Meals Through Local and Seasonal Ingredients✨💃🏻💛

Let's get messy!


Lindsey Morales

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